Gas Furnaces

Furnace service.
Furnace service.

How to Choose the Right Furnace


We understand. Gas furnaces are more efficient than ever, 有大量的功能,旨在让你舒适. 它们有不同的大小和形状,有些比其他的更强大. 根据效率等级,它们也有不同的价格点.

The thermostat is the brains of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. But it’s the furnace that provides all the muscle, 与你的管道系统合作,将温暖的空气输送到你的 Oregon home.

And always remember, a happy home is a warm one! 只要连续几天没有室内暖气,你家里所有的管道就会结冰.

最重要的是选择合适的炉子,适合你的预算和你的家的大小. Our team at Advanced Air 有知识和专业知识来帮助你做出选择吗. We’re a trusted name in Medford, OR, for creating healthy homes. Give us a call today-我们可以安排一次免费咨询,帮助您进行下一个家装项目.

Choosing the Right Furnace by Fuel Type

Your first decision is easy: choosing the fuel type.

The most common source is natural gas. 当地的公用事业公司通过地下天然气管道向你家供应燃料. 天然气的价格相对稳定,所以你不必担心成本波动. Plus, you never need to worry about storage.

  • 如果你有天然气管道,我们强烈建议 gas furnaces. 多年来,这些炉子已经证明了它们在最冷的日子里提供稳定舒适的价值.
  • Oil furnaces are a popular alternative in the United States, 特别是在不容易获得天然气的东北部地区. 这些类型的炉比燃气炉寿命长,但效率不高. 石油价格比天然气价格波动更大,这让你更难估计每月的开支. Plus, you will need a storage tank for the oil.
  • Electric furnaces 比煤气炉使用寿命更长,安装成本更低. 另一方面,它们操作起来更昂贵,需要更长的时间来加热你的家. 任何生活在寒冷地区的人使用煤气炉或燃油炉都会感到更舒适.

Choosing the Right Furnace Speed

Furnaces run at different speeds. 您选择的运行速度将影响您的舒适度、预算和室内空气质量(IAQ)。.

Single-stage furnaces have just two settings, on or off. 你的炉子打开并继续运行,以达到所需的温度. 一旦达到这个温度,炉子就会关闭. 单级炉是最经济实惠的型号,最容易安装. 但它们是效率最低的,而且往往会在较大的房屋中产生热点和冷点.

Two-stage furnaces run at full speed and half speed. 这可以让你的炉子更均匀地加热你的家, 使每个房间的温度更加一致. 除了产生更好的加热,半速设置是安静得多.

Variable-speed furnaces are the gold standard of the heating world. 这些模型调整他们的速度,以提供精确的舒适性. 它们以较慢的速度运行更长时间,提高效率,同时降低能源费用. 因为它们不经常开关,这些系统往往有更少的故障.

变速炉更适合维持室内空气质量, catching harmful particles, 并消除导致霉菌生长的多余水分. 较大的家庭从变速炉中受益匪浅.

Choosing an Efficient Furnace

炉子上的AFUE(年度燃料利用效率)评级表明它转换了多少能量. AFUE等级为95的节能炉可以将其消耗的95%的能量转化为热量.

AFUE评级越高,你每月节省的水电费就越多. 节能炉在运行时排放的温室气体更少,噪音也更小. If you want to reduce your home’s carbon footprint, 最好从供暖和制冷设备入手!

How Much Money Can a New Furnace Save You?

我们的AFUE节能计算器可以帮助您确定您可以节省多少水电费. 输入当前设备的AFUE值,并将其与更新,更有效的系统进行比较.

AFUE Energy Savings Calculator

{{ afueOld }}% vs {{ afueNew }}%

{{ annualNaturalGasSavingsPercent() }}%

{{ afueOld }}%
${{ afueAnnualOperatingCostOldUnit() }}
Annual Cost
{{ afueNew }}%
${{ afueAnnualOperatingCostNewUnit() }}
Annual Cost

Estimated 15-Year Savings:*
${{ projectedNaturalGasSavings }}

{{ year }} {{ state }} average residential natural gas retail price of ${{ rateResidentialNaturalGas }}/Mcf**.
*Based on an average annual rate increase of {{ avgUtilityIncrease }}%.

这个计算器不保证实际的成本或节省,只是 to be used for educational purposes.

Customize to Your Home





Rate ($/Mcf)


Average Annual Heating Hours***

Historical Comparison


{{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}


${{ priceFifteenYearsAgo }}/Mcf

{{ yearTenYearsAgo }}

{{ differenceTenYears }}

${{ priceTenYearsAgo }}/Mcf

{{ yearFiveYearsAgo }}

{{ differenceFiveYears }}

${{ priceFiveYearsAgo }}/Mcf

{{ year }}

{{ differenceCurrentYear }}

${{ rateResidentialNaturalGas }}/Mcf

** Data from U.S. Energy Information Administration
*** Data from 2002 EPA study

** Data for Canadian cities from
*** Data from

Furnace Installation or Replacement

不要投资高质量的暖通空调系统,然后聘请不合格的承包商来安装它. 您将永远无法享受到错误安装的系统的全部好处.

At Advanced Air在美国,我们专门从事设备的正确安装. 我们花时间确保每件事都是正确衡量的. 我们的团队也会对你的家进行彻底的能源审计,以找到其他的方法来降低你的能源使用.

Be sure to ask about our convenient financing 设计的选项,使您有可能创建您的梦想家园.

Furnace Repairs

Odd-sounding noises, a spike in energy bills, 或者不断循环——这些迹象表明你的炉子有问题. 不要坐等小问题变成大问题. 如果您发现暖通空调系统有问题,今天就给我们打电话. 我们承诺,除非有必要,或者我们能够证明可以显著节省成本,否则我们永远不会更换零件.

Furnace Maintenance

Want to get the most value from your HVAC system? Develop a preventative maintenance plan. 这样做可以使您的设备恢复活力,增加您的舒适度,并降低运营成本.

Give us a call today and ask about our customized Planned Residential Maintenance tailored to fit your budget and needs. 享受安心知道值得信赖的专业人员正在监视您的暖通空调设备.

Call Us Today

我们的整个团队在先进航空重视您对我们公司的信任-我们承诺加倍努力,以保持您的业务. Let us install your next furnace. Give our Medford, OR, office a call today for a free consultation. Call us at 541-772-6866 or request service online today.

Emergency Service